Feni District
Feni District (chittagong division) area 990.36 sq km, located in between 22'44' and 23'17' north latitudes and in between 91'15' and 91'35' east longitudes. It is bounded by comilla district and tripura state of India on the north, noakhali and chittagong districts on the south, Tripura state of India on the east, Noakhali district on the west.
Population Total 1437371; male 694128, female 743243; Muslim 1352866, Hindu 83773, Buddhist 408, Christian 182 and others 142.
Water bodies Main rivers: feni, little feni, muhuri.
Administration Feni Sub Division was established in 1976 and it was up graded to a district in 1984. Of the 11 districts of Chittagong Division, Feni district occupies the 11th position and it occupies the 61st position among the 64 districts of Bangladesh. Of the six upazilas of the district sonagazi is the largest (235.07 sq km) and parshuram is the smallest (97.58 sq km).
District | |||||||||
Area (sq km) | Upazila | Municipality | Union | Mouza | Village | Population | Density (per sq km) | Literacy rate (%) | |
Urban | Rural | ||||||||
990.36 | 6 | 5 | 43 | 502 | 553 | 293742 | 1143629 | 1415 | 59.6 |
Others Information of District | ||||||||
Name of upazila |
Area |
Municipality |
Union |
Mouza |
Village |
Population |
Density |
Literacy rate (%) |
Chhagalnaiya | 139.59 | 1 | 5 | 46 | 58 | 187156 | 1341 | 63.4 |
Daganbhuiyan | 141 .70 | 1 | 8 | 93 | 119 | 254402 | 1795 | 58.8 |
Parshuram | 95.76 | 1 | 3 | 67 | 71 | 101062 | 1055 | 58.8 |
Fulgazi | 102.19 | - | 6 | 77 | 85 | 119558 | 1170 | 60.0 |
Feni Sadar | 226.19 | 1 | 12 | 123 | 125 | 512646 | 2266 | 62.8 |
Sonagazi | 284.89 | 1 | 9 | 91 | 95 | 262547 | 922 | 51.6 |
Source Bangladesh Population Census 2011,Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics.

War of Liberation In early April 1971, freedom fighters killed about 20 Pakistani soldiers while they were crossing the Shuvapur Bridge. The Pak army took control over Feni district on 23 April 1971. In the first week of May, 20 Pak soldiers were killed when the freedom fighters attacked the Pak army defense base at the Kalapur Bridge of Chhagalnaiya upazila. There had been a battle between the freedom fighters and the Pak army on 29 May at Durgapur and Singha Nagar of Gopal Union of the upazila in which 300 Pakistani soldiers were killed and two freedom fighters were wounded. On 10 June 50 Pak soldiers were killed when the freedom fighters opened fire on them at the time of their crossing the Bandua Bridge of Fulgazi upazila. In July, 15 Pak soldiers were killed in an encounter with the freedom fighters at Shuvapur. In another encounter between the freedom fighters and the Pak army at Madhugram area in July about 60 Pakistani soldiers were killed. On 28 July an encounter was held between the freedom fighters and the Pak army at Nawabpur of Sonagazi upazila in which Gul Muhammad, the Commander of the Pak army, was beheaded. About 50 Pak soldiers were killed by mine explosion planted by the freedom fighters at a place near the Satbaria Bridge of Sonagazi upazila. In retaliation, the Pak army killed 5 innocent persons at Baksh Ali, Sujapur Dasgram; they also conducted plundering and set many houses on fire. Another encounter was held on 7 November between the freedom fighters and the Pak army at Bilonia outpost of Parshuram upazila in which about 50 Pakistani soldiers and three freedom fighters were killed. At the end of November, 8 freedom fighters were killed in an encounter with the Pak army at Shuvapur. Feni was liberated on 6 December. There are 7 mass killing sites and one mass grave in Feni Sadar Upazila. Ten memorial monuments (2 at Chhagalnaiya 2 and 8 at Sonagazi) had been built in the district.
Literacy rate and educational institutions Average literacy 59.6%; male 61.1%, female 58.3%. Noted educational institutions: Feni P.T.I (1957), Feni Polytechnic Institute (1962), Feni Teacher's Training College (1963), Feni Government College (1922), Feni GA Academy (1943), Government Zia Mohila College (1979), Chhagalnaiya Government College (1972), Fulgazi Government College (1972), Sonagazi Government College (1972), Parshuram Government College (1972), Government Commerce College (1965), Feni Girls' Cadet College (2004), Feni Government Pilot High School (1886), Munshirhat Ali Azam High School (1906), Feni Government Girls' High School (1910), S.C High School (1911), Mangalkandi High School (1912), Chhagalnaiya High School (1915), Joypur Sarojini High School (1917), Amirabad B.C Laha High School (1917), Feni Central High School (1919), Nawbabpur High School (1923), Bishnupur High School (1925), Feni Model High School (1927), Chhagalnaiya Government Primary School (1900), Baktarmunshi Fazil Madrasa (1910), Sonagazi Fazil Madrasa (1918), Gobindapur Chhiddikia Fazil Madrasa (1920), Feni Alia Madrasa (1923).
Main sources of income Agriculture 31.51%, non-agricultural labourer 2.57%, industry 0.98%, commerce 15.98%, transport and communication 4.66%, service 18.29%, construction 1.86%, religious service 0.43%, rent and remittance 11.53% and others 12.19%.
Newspapers and periodicals Daily: Nayapaygam, Amar Feni; bi-weekly: Path, Nabonur; weekly: Gramdesh, Hawkers, Muhuri, Feni Barta, Feni Prabaha, Feni Sambad, Feni Khabar, Feni Darpan, Feni Times, Ananda Taroka, Grambarta, Minar, Shadesh Kantha, Ataeb, Baikali, Amar Desh, Gano Manush, Feni Kantha, Gano Chetona, Fenir Alo, Unmochan, Drishtipath, Nabin Bangla, Alokita Feni, Nabokiron, Fenir Rabi, Zahur, Kalakantha, Barnamala, Fenir Sahaistha Katha, Purbadesh, Songram; fortnightly: Mashimela, Feni Chitra; monthly: Ananda Bhairabi, Sarashori, Urmi, Haidar; quarterly: Dhansinri; periodical: Shuvechha, Bartaman Dishari, Upakul.
Folk culture The notable folk culture of the district include riddle, poem, Khanar Bachan, folk tale, folk belief, Jatra, Mantra-tantra, Bhatiali, Rakhali, Marfati and Murshidi songs in local dialects. Besides, occasionally drama performances are also displayed in the district.
Important installations Bilonia Railway Station, Customs House, Observation Tower at Bilonia. [Tipu Sultan]
See also The upazilas under this district.
References Bangladesh Population Census 2001 and 2011, Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics; Cultural survey report of Feni District 2007; Cultural survey report of upazilas of Feni district 2007.