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Suhrawardia Tariqa a Sufi tariqa (way) initiated by Sheikh Najibuddin Abdul Quadir (died in 1169) during the 12th century. This religious cult is named Suhrawardia Tariqa because Sheikh Najibuddin Abdul Quadir was born in Suhrwardinagar in Jibal province in Iran. After the death of Abdul Quadir, the tariqa was substantially developed by his nephew, Sahabuddin Abu Hafs Omar-ibn-Abdullah, who is often said to be the real founder of the sect. The rules of Iran had a special respect for him. The Persian poet, Sheikh Sadi, also was his disciple.

Abdullah wrote a book Awarif-ul-ma'arif on Tasaouf. In the book he discussed about khanqah and the way of life in them, including rules and regulations. The book gained popularity in the subcontinent. Sheikh Bahauddin Zakria Multani (1169-1266) brought the Suhrawardia tariqa to India and Sultan Shamsuddin Iltutmish honoured him with the title 'Shayakh-ul-Islam'. Sheikh Jalaluddin Tabrizi, a disciple of Sheikh Shahabuddin Suhrawardi and a friend of Sheikh Bahauddin Zakria, came to Bengal during the reign of laksmanasena to propagate the Suhrawardia tariqa. His disciples are known as Jalalia.

Hazrat shah jalal (r), the famous Muslim saint of sylhet was a follower of the Suhrawardia tariqa. Sama, a special music form is an important part of the devotional and mystical practices of this tariqa. [Muhammad Ruhul Amin]