Haque, Abdul1
Haque, Abdul1 (1918-1997) journalist and writer, was born at Chapai Nawabganj in rajhhahi. He graduated with honours in English from rajshahi college in 1944 and obtained MA in English in 1946 from Calcutta University. While still a university student he worked briefly in the daily azad in Calcutta in 1945 as sub-editor. After completing MA, he joined the paper as a regular sub-editor. Later he was appointed assistant editor of the monthly saogat.
In 1947, Abdul Haque joined the Regional Information Office, Dhaka as a staff writer, subsequently becoming assistant publication officer. After the independence of Bangladesh, he joined the Bengali Development Board in Dhaka as assistant publication officer and was later made its publication officer. When the Bengali Development Board was amalgamated with the bangla academy, he was appointed deputy director of the Academy, retiring as director in 1981.
Abdul Haque';s first poem 'Lutfunnesa';, and his first short story, 'Tahal'; (Ambulation), were published in the monthly mohammodi in 1940 and 1941 respectively. His first essay, 'Sahitya Srstir Prerana';, was published in 1941. He was a fine and thought-provoking essayist, writing critiques of contemporary society and politics to analyses of the language issue. Some of his well-known essays on bangla language and Bangali nationalism published in various journals are: 'Pakistaner Rastrabhasa'; (1947), 'Bangla Bhasa Bisayak Prastab'; (1947), 'Urdu Rastra Bhasa Hale'; (1947), 'Arbi Harafe Bangla'; (1949), 'Muslim Jatiyatabad: Punaniriksa'; (1966), 'Yuddha O Sampradayikata'; (1966). The last two were published in the monthly samakal under the pseudonym of Abul Ahsan. For publishing these two essays the issues of Samak'a'l were confiscated by the government.
Abdul Haque';s volumes of essays include Kr'a'ntik'a'l (1962), S'a'hitya Aitijhya Mulyabodh (1968), Bangali Jatiyatabad O Any'a'nya Prasa'b'ga (1973), Sahitya O Sv'a'dh'i'nat'a (1974), Bh'a's'a' 'A'ndolaner 'A'diparba (1976), Nihsa'b'ga Chetan'a' O Anyanya Prasanga (1984), Chetan'a'r Album O Bibidha Prasanga (1993), Lekhaker Rojn'a'mach'a'y Ch'a'r Dashaker R'a'jn'i'ti Parikram'a': Preks'a'pat Bangladesh (1993). His short stories were collected in Rokeyar Nijer B'adi (1967) and Chhinna Patrik'a'r K'a'hin'i (1981). He also wrote a number of plays: Advit'i'y'a (1956), Ferdaus'i (1964), Son'a'r Dim (1976). His translated plays include Putuler Sangs'a'r (1966), Pret'a'tm'a (1966), Mah'a'sthapati (1966), Rasmar';s Home (1967), Hedd'a' G'a'bl'a'r (1967), Illinoisye Ab Linkan (1967), John Gabriel Borkman (1968), Ga'n'ashatru (1992). He also wrote a detective story, K'a'lo Mukhos (1958), using the pseudonym of Abul Ahsan. He edited Kazi Abdul Wadud Rachan'a'val'i (1st and 2nd vol) and Qazi Motahar Husain Rachanavali (1st and 2nd vol).
Abdul Haque was awarded the Dawood Prize (1968), the Bangla Academy Prize (1974), the Abul Hasnat Literary Award (1988), the Hilali Memorial Gold Medal (1990) for his contributions to bangla literature. [Wakil Ahmed] [Ahmed, Wakil former Vice Chancellor, National University]