Moglabazar Thana

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Moglabazar Thana (Sylhet metropolitan) area 115.83 sq km, located in between 24°43' and 24°50' north latitudes and in between 91°47' and 91°58' east longitudes. It is bounded by dakshin surma thana and golaPganj upazila on the north, fenchuganj and balaganj upazilas on the south, Golapganj upazila on the east and Balaganj and bishwanath upazilas on the west.

Population Total 94215; male 48314, female 45901; Muslim 90158%, Hindu 4049% and others 8%.

Water bodies Khichhar and Barabhanga rivers, Badaura Beel, Kaichna Beel and Chalta Beel are notable.

Administration Moglabazar Thana was formed comprising 57 mouzas and 4 unions.

Ward and Union Mahalla and Mouza Population Density (per sq km) Literacy rate (%)
Urban Rural Urban Rural
4 57 - 94215 813 - 55.36
Ward and Union
Ward and Union Area (sq km) Population Literacy rate (%)
Male Female
Jalalpur 37 7903 13735 13368 52.31
Daudpur 30 6717 11762 10649 56.02
Mogla Bazar 60 9370 12835 12170 56.10
Lala Bazar 50 4967 9982 9714 56.99

Source  Bangladesh Population Census 2001, Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics.

Religious institutions Mosque 42, temple 2.

Literacy rate and educational institutions Average literacy 55.36%; male 58.27%, female 52.33%. Educational institutions: secondary school 6, primary school 49, madrasa 6. Noted educational institutions: Jalalpur High School, Rebati Raman High School, Renga Madrasa.

Important installations Moglabazar Railway Station, Telephone Exchange, Ilashpur Bridge.

Main sources of income Agriculture 42.53%, non-agricultural labourer 6.12%, industry 0.99%, commerce 12.12%, transport and communication 2.83%, service 5.12%, construction 3.42%, religious service 0.45%, rent and remittance 9.52% and others 16.90%.

Ownership of agricultural land Landowner 44.27%, landless 55.73%.

Main crops Paddy, vegetables.

Communication facilities Pucca road 95.5 km, semi pucca road 27 km and mud road 150 km.

Extinct or nearly extinct traditional transports Bullock cart, horse carriage.

Hats, bazars and fairs Hats and bazars are 17, most noted of which are Lalabazar, Chowdhury Bazar, Moglabazar, Jalalpur Bazar, Babur Bazar, Nazir Bazar, Pargana Bazar, Anilganj Bazar, Hajiganj Bazar, Asuganj Bazar, Rakhgalganj Bazar.

Access to electricity All the unions of the thana are under rural electrification net-work. However 38.41% (rural 14.64% and urban 57.56%) of the dwelling households have access to electricity.

Sources of drinking water Tube-well 58.51%, tap 2.2%, pond 33.69% and others 5.6%.

Sanitation 50.38% of dwelling households of the thana use sanitary latrines and 39.17%' of dwelling households use non-sanitary latrines; 10.46% of households do not have latrine facilities.

Health centres Satellite clinic 2, community 5.

NGO activities brac, asa, FIVDB. [Sirajul Islam]

References Bangladesh Population Census 2001, Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics.