
Arthritis means inflammation of joint. Several types of arthritis are available and they are grouped according to the causes such as – osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, spondylo-arthropathies, infective arthritis, gout etc.

Unlike rheumatoid arthritis in western countries, osteoarthritis is commonly seen in Bangladesh and it is degenerative in nature and as such aged peoples are usual sufferers. About half of populations above fifty years of age suffer from some form of osteoarthritis. The load bearing joints and vertebral column (spondylosis) are usually affected and excess body weight is another contributory factor to develop osteoarthritis. Pain, stiffness and ambulatory difficulties with or without mobility restrictions are common symptoms. X-ray examination of the affected part is used to diagnose. Usually three types of treatments- drugs, exercises and physiotherapy singly or in combination are in use to relieve agonies. Surgery may be necessary in advance stage.

Rheumatoid arthritis is more painful and crippling, commonly affects the small joints of the hand and feet and is four times more common in females than males. Immuno-compromised patients such as diabetics are more prone to infective arthritis. Excess uric acid in the blood may cause gout. [M Sirajul Islam]