Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute
Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute (BFRI) an autonomous research organisation established in 1984 as a national institution for the planning, coordination and conduct of fisheries research in Bangladesh. Though the Institute was established in 1984, it actually started functioning in 1986 with the recruitment of manpower and initial development of infrastructure.
The major objectives of the institute are to carry out and coordinate basic and adaptive research for development and optimum utilisation of all living aquatic resources; to develop low-cost, less labour intensive, environment friendly improved fish culture and management technologies; to develop technologies for commercially important aquatic products including shrimps; and to develop skilled technical manpower through training and demonstration.

The Director General is the head of the Institute. The general direction, administration, and supervision of the Institute are vested in a Board of Governors, the Minister, Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock, Government of Bangladesh being the Chairman.
The headquarters of the Institute is situated at Mymensingh. In addition to the headquarters, there are four research stations viz Freshwater Station located in Mymensingh, for research on freshwater aquaculture; Riverine Station located in Chandpur, for research on riverine fisheries management and development; Brackishwater Station located in Paikgacha, Khulna, for research on brackishwater fin-fish and shell fish; and Marine Fisheries and Technological Station located in Cox's Bazar, for research on marine capture and culture fisheries, product development and quality control. In addition, there are two sub-stations, one at Rangamati for reservoir fisheries management, and another at Santahar for studies on the floodplain ecosystem. Each station is headed by a Chief Scientific Officer who is responsible for research and administrative management of the station. The research activities are funded by the Government of Bangladesh, IDA, USAID, IDRC, and other agencies.
The Freshwater Station (FS) has an area of about 40 ha, situated near the bangladesh agricultural university campus, Mymensing. The station has 118 drainable experimental ponds ranging in size from 0.04 to 0.062 ha and also a well-equipped modern carp hatchery with a capacity to produce over 300 million fry annually.
The Riverine Station (RS) at Chandpur has an area of about 17.2 ha with 36 non-drainable ponds ranging in size from 0.12 to 0.37 ha each. In addition the station has a hatchery, and a vessel equipped with research facilities for undertaking riverine surveys and experimental fishing.
The Brackishwater Station (BS) at Paikgacha, Khulna was established in 1987. It has an area of 30.56 ha with 52 experimental ponds of 0.1 to 1.0 ha, and a hatchery for shrimp and other brackishwater fin-fishes.
The Marine Fisheries and Technology Station (MFTS) with an area of 4 ha was established at Cox's Bazar in 1991. The station is equipped with 5 specialised laboratories, and one indoor and one outdoor cistern complex.
BFRI established a Library and Documentation Centre (BFRILDOC) at its headquarters to meet the need of a formal system for the documentation of technical information in the field of fisheries research in Bangladesh. The library has about 2,600 technical and general books and 83 titles of scientific periodicals.
From time to time the Institute publishes research findings, annual reports, newsletters, journals, directories, research reports, proceedings of conferences, seminars and workshops, training manuals, extension materials, booklets, leaflets and posters. The research, training and management activities of the Institute are carried out in close cooperation with universities, research organisations, and various other national and international agencies. It also keeps close contact with different NGOs working in the country for the dissemination of technologies on fisheries development. [SM Humayun Kabir]