
Garh [Gad] lands usually lying above the normal flood level. Garh lands actually represent the Pleistocene Terraces of Bangladesh, which include madhupur tract, Lalmai Terrace, barind tract and Akhaura Terrace areas. Once these garhlands were under dense Shal (Shorea robusta) forest, but now they are mostly degraded due to deforestation and encroachment. Garhlands are typically deep to shallowly weathered. Their soils are highly oxidised and are usually called lateritic soil, with predominance of silt and clay, and of varying colour, from reddish brown to grey, depending on the relative elevation of the area. Garhland soils are deficient in organic matter and are good only for vegetable cultivation. Some Madhupur Garhlands are used for pineapple [Anaras] cultivation and are also famous for their jackfruit [Kathal] and bamboo [Bansh] groves. [Mohd Shamsul Alam]

See also madhupur tract.