Hajipur Senior Fazil Madrasah

Hajipur Senior Fazil Madrasah Daulatkhan, Bhola, was established in 1912 by Maulana Abdur Rahim (1882-1978), known locally as 'Bara Huzur'. Begun first only with four students, the madrasah later grew into a famous seat of Islamic learning in southern Bangladesh. Maulana Rahim received education from Calcutta Aliya Madrasah. He was influenced by the activities of the anjuman-i-ulama-i-bangala and started his institution at his own home and at his own expense. The institution was upgraded into a Senior Fazil Madrasah in 1925.

From the 1930s, the madrasah introduced subjects like Bangla, English, Mathematics, etc in accordance with the recent college curricula. A girl's section was also opened in the madrasah. Many of the students of the Madrasah became famous in various professions, including government service, education and politics. [MN Alam]