Matubbar, Aroj Ali
Matubbar, Aroj Ali (1900-1985) self-taught philosopher, was born on 17 December 1900 to a farming family in the village of Lamchari in barisal district. He studied for only a few months at the village maktab but gathered knowledge on varied subjects through his own efforts and insights. In his spare time he began surveying land and soon developed exceptional expertise in the mathematical and geometric calculations required for it.

Essentially, Aroj Ali was a rationalist and humanist who fought against ignorance, superstition, and religious fundamentalism. He spoke of his conviction and experience in more than one of his books. He wrote several books including Satyer Sandhan (1973), Sristirahasya (1977), Anuman (1983) and Muktaman (1988). Several of his unpublished manuscripts were published posthumously under the title of Aroj Ali Matubbar Rachanabali.
Aroj Ali’s writings reflect his philosophy about life and the world in simple language. He believed in human welfare and the principle of a world religion and instituted stipends for poor meritorious students, established libraries and organised essay competitions in his village home.
He donated his own body and his eyes in the service of humanity. He was made a life member of bangla academy and was given a reception by it in 1985. He was also awarded the Humayun Kabir Memorial Prize in 1978 by the bangladesh lekhak shibir and an award of honour by the Barisal branch of the Bangladesh udichi shilpigosthi in 1982. He died on 15 March 1985 at Barisal. [Pradip Kumar Roy]
See also philosophy.