Patuakhali District
Patuakhali District (barisal division) area of 3221.31 sq km, located in between 21°48' and 22°36' north latitudes and in between 90°08' and 90°41' east longitudes. It is bounded by barisal district on the north, bay of bengal on the south, bhola district on the east, barguna district on the west. The land of the district is composed of alluvial soil of the meghna basin and of a number of small char lands.
Population Total 1535854; male 753441, female 782413; Muslim 1428601, Hindu 105496, Buddhist 1355, Christian 345 and others 57.
Water bodies Main rivers: Andharmanik, Agunmukha, tentulia, Galachipa, Rajganj; Rabnabad channel is notable.
District | |||||||||
Area (sq km) | Upazila | Municipality | Union | Mouza | Village | Population | Density (per sq km) | Literacy rate (%) | |
Urban | Rural | ||||||||
3221.31 | 8 | 5 | 71 | 571 | 878 | 201882 | 1333972 | 477 | 51.65 |
Others Information of District | ||||||||
Name of Upazila | Area (sq km) | Municipality | Union | Mouza | Village | Population | Density (per sq km) | Literacy rate (%) |
Kalapara | 491.89 | 2 | 11 | 57 | 239 | 237831 | 484 | 52.0 |
Galachipa | 924.68 | 1 | 12 | 92 | 133 | 258515 | 280 | 45.4 |
Dashmina | 351.87 | - | 6 | 50 | 51 | 123388 | 351 | 48.7 |
Dumki | 92.41 | - | 5 | 21 | 24 | 70655 | 765 | 66.4 |
Patuakhali Sadar | 362.46 | 1 | 12 | 101 | 124 | 316462 | 873 | 59.5 |
Bauphal | 487.10 | 1 | 14 | 134 | 140 | 304284 | 625 | 57.1 |
Mirzaganj | 167.18 | - | 6 | 68 | 73 | 121716 | 728 | 59.4 |
Rangabali | 343.69 | - | 5 | 48 | 94 | 103003 | 300 | 39.9 |
Source Bangladesh Population Census 2011, Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics.

Administration Patuakhali, a sub-division of the Bakerganj district, was elevated to a district in 1969. Of the 7 upazilas of the district galachipa is the biggest (1267.89 km) and dumki is the smallest (92.46 sq Km).
War of Liberation The Pak army attacked Patuakhali on 26 April 1971. At the beginning of the war of liberation many youths received arms training in the freedom fighters training camp at village Deoli of Mirzaganj upazila. In a battle between the freedom fighters and the Pak army at the border area of Mirzaganj 32 freedom fighters were killed; many Pak soldiers were also killed and wounded in this battle. On 8 May the Pak army raided the villages Chikanikandi and Dakua of Galachipa upazila and killed 29 persons; they also set many houses of the village on fire. On 25 May a Pak army gun boat was forced to retreat from a point on the Kabai River of Bauphal in the face of resistance from the freedom fighters. On 6 June the freedom fighters attacked the Razakar Camp at Bauphal and killed a number of razakars. The Pak army killed 35 persons at Madanpura and Dhulia and sacked many houses. On 18 November an encounter was held between the freedom fighters and the Pak army at village Panpatti of Galachipa upazila in which three Pakistani soldiers were killed. Patuakhali Town was liberated on 6 December but the district was liberated on 8 December. Mass graves have been found at 3 places (the old jail compound of Patuakhali Town, south-western side of the new jail, and Tulatali) pof the upazila; 4 memorial monuments (in front of the old Town Hall, the premises of Muktiyoddha Sangsad, the Chikanikandi High School ground and Panpatti) had been built.
Literacy rate and educational institutions Average literacy 54.1%; male 56.2%, female 52.0%. Educational institutions: university 1, college 58, primary teachers training institute (PTI) 2, polytechnic institute 1, vocational institute 1, technical school 5, secondary school 324, primary school 1143, satellite school 14, community school 9, kindergarten 6, madrasa 367. Noted educational institutions: Patuakhali Science and technology university (2001), Patuakhali Government university College (1957), Latif Municipal Seminary (1916), Patuakhali Government Mohila College (1968), Dashmina Abdur Rashid Talukdar Degree College (1977), Government Mojhar Uddin Biswas College (1977), Janata College (1985), Bauphal Degree College (1966), Subidkhali Degree College (1972), Subidkhali Mohila College (2000), Galachipa Degree College (1972), Patbunia Adarsha Technical College (1996), Bauphal Secondary School (1885), Government Jubilee High School (1887), Sreerampur Secondary School (1900), Bauphal High School (1919), Birpasha Secondary School (1921), Muradia Secondary School (1928), Kachipara' Secondary School (1928), Khepupara Secondary School (1928), Subidkhali Pilot Secondary School (1934), Chikanikandi Secondary School (1930), Patuakhali Government Girls' High School (1946), Dashmina Secondary School (1956), Kanthaltali Government Primary School (1924), Wazedabad Mostafavia Fazil Madrasa (1913), Pangasia Nesaria Alia Madrasa (1919), Obaidia Senior Madrasa (1930), Lamna Salehia Senior Fazil Madrasa (1935), Chaita Nesaria Senior Fazil Madrasa (1940), Subidkhali Daruchchunnat Senior Madrasa (1960), Char Hosnabad Senior Madrasa (1964), Kalapara Nesaruddin Senior Madrasa (1965), Adampur Islamia Senior Madrasa (1965), Dashmina Islamia Senior Fazil Madrasa (1968).
Main sources of income Agriculture 57.05%, non-agricultural labourer 5.37%, industry 1.03%, commerce 13.79%, transport and communication 2.04%, service 9.22%, construction 2.13%, religious service 0.26%, rent and remittance 0.40% and others 8.71%.
Newspapers and periodicals Daily: Rupantar, Tentulia, Ganadabi, Sathi; weekly:' Payra, Patuakhali, Avijatri, Patuakhali Proshika; fortnightly: Metho Barta; defunct weekly: Palliseba (1934), Gram Bangla, Khilafat, Pratinidhi, Janata,' Trisha; defunct fortnightly: Swadesh Darpan, Saikat, Priya Kagaz; defunct monthly: Chabuk; periodical: Patuakhali Samachar, Ek Mutho Suravi, Annesha.
Folk culture The notable folk culture prevalent in the district include Jatragan, Kabigan, puppet show, monkey dance, Bayati song, Palagan, sloka and riddle, 'Bayani, etc. Many folk traditions such as Jhar Fook, Tantra Mantra, hymm in order to win over women, etc. occupy a distinctive place of folk culture of the district. Folk games and sports of the district include Ha-du-du, Latim game, Dariabandha, wrestling, Dang-guti, Kanamachhi, Marbel, Kutkut, Kukpalani, Haribhanga, etc.
Important installations and Tourists spots kuakata, the second largest tourist centre of the country, is located on the southern extremity of Kalapara upazila. Both sun rise and sun set can be viewed from the 18 km long Kuakata sea beach. The Shutki (dried fish) Palli is located 7 km on the west of Kuakata. Dry fish is exported in different parts of the country from this Shutki Palli. Besides, to attract the tourists there are Sea Fish Museum, Bura Gauranga Sea Channel, Kuakata Sima Buddhist Bihara, statue of Buddha, Rakhain Palli, Narikel Bithi (series of coconut trees), Jhouban (tamarisk trees), Fatrar Char (mangrove), Gangamatir Char, Rash Mela, Lembur Char, etc. The Sun rise and the sun set can be enjoyed from Sonar Char of the Galachipa upazila; other tourist attractions of this upazila include Kalaraja, capital of the kingdom of Queen Kamala of Chandradwip; Babanabad and Bhangabali Channels. Tourist spots of Bauphal upazila include capital of Chandradeep Kingdom (Bakla of Kachua, later on transferred to Rajnagar), Kazi Bari, paternal homestead of ak fazlul huq (Bilbilas), Kamala Rani Dighi (Kalaiya), Kuthibari of Ghaseti Begum (on the bank of the river Tentulia) and Kanai Balai Dighi (Kanchipara). [Iffat Jerin]
See also The upazilas under this district.
References Bangladesh Population Census 2001 and 2011, Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics; Cultural survey report of Patuakhali District 2007; Cultural survey report of different upazilas of Patuakhali District 2007.