Rajshahi City Corporation

Rajshahi City Corporation area 95.56 sq km, located in between 24°20' and 24°24' north latitudes and in between 88°32' and 88°40' east longitudes. It is bounded by paba upazila on all sides.

Population Total 388811; male 208525, female 180286.

Water bodies Main River: padma.

Administration Rajshahi Municipality was formed in 1876 and it was turned into City Corporation in 1991.

City Corporation
City Corporation Thana Word Mahalla Population Density (per sq km) Literacy rate (%)
1 4 33+4 (part) 170 388811 4068 67.08
Thana and GO code Area (sq km) Ward Mahalla Population Density (per sq km) Literacy rate (%)
Boalia 22 38.11 16+3(Part) 82 191711 695 71.22
Matihar 40 20.32 5 20 51724 2545 63.55
Rajpara 85 24.90 9+1 (Part) 46 121076 4862 69.70
Shah Mokdhum 90 12.23 3 22 24300 1986 63.86

Source  Bangladesh Population Census 2001, Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics.

Rajshahi City Corporation at a Glance
Municipality was formed 1876
Upgraded to Municipal Corporation 1987
Upgraded to City Corporation 1991
First Mayor Abdul Hazi
Current Mayor AHM Khairuzzaman Liton
Number of holding 1,15,562
Population 388811
Density of Population 4068 (per sq km)
Wards 33+4 (part)
Ward commissioners 30
Reserved seats for woman commissioners 10
Police Station 4
Roads 186.64 km
Drains 142.18 km
Park 2
Community Center 7
Gymnasium 2
Graveyard and Cemetery 4
Bus Terminals 1
Traffic signal 20

Source  Bangladesh Population Census 2001, Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics; Field Reports.

[Tapan Palit]

References Bangladesh Population Census 2001, Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics; Cultural survey report of 2007; Field reports of Rajshahi City Corporation.