Sengupta, Sachindra Nath
Sengupta, Sachindra Nath (1892-1961) dramatist and journalist, was born in July 1892 in the village of Senhati in the district of khulna. His father, Satyacharan Sengupta, was an official at the Judge's Court in rangpur.

Sachindra Nath went to school in Rangpur, where the revolutionary prafulla chaki was his classmate. In 1905 he left school to join the swadeshi movement. He also became associated with the anushilan samiti at this time. Returning to school, he passed the Entrance examination from Calcutta National School in 1911 and studied upto the BA. He studied at Cuttack Medical School and also studied Ayurveda in mymensingh. He taught at National College for some time and worked as sub-editor of the daily Krsak and Bharat. He also edited the weekly Hitabadi, Bijli (founded by Barindranath Ghosh), and Atmashakti, etc.
Sachindra Nath wrote a number of historical and political plays on the theme of nationalism, among them Gairik Pataka (1930), Desher Dabi (1934), Sirajuddaula (1938), Rastrabiplab (1944), Dhatripanna (1948), Sabar Upare Manus Satya (1957) and Artanad o Jaynad (1961). Sirajuddaula is his most popular play. Rastrabiplab was staged at Calcutta Theatre in 1946, creating a great deal of sensation. Raktakamal (1929), Jhader Rate (1931), Nursing Home (1933), Svami-Stri (1937), Tatinir Bichar (1939), Matir Maya, Kanta O Kamal, Pralay, Janani are social dramas. The various complexities and problems of personal and social life pervade his social dramas. He also wrote plays for teenagers and composed articles, travelogues, etc. He travelled to Russia, Norway, Poland, China and Ceylon as a leader of a non-government cultural troupe. He died on 5 March 1961. [Sushanta Sarker]