Rajshahi University of Engineering and Technology
Rajshahi University of Engineering and Technology (RUET) a public university for higher education in Engineering and Technology. It is situated at Kajla at 5 km east of Rajshahi city and beside the Rajshahi-Natore-Dhaka highway. In 1964, four-year bachelor degree course was introduced in Civil, Electrical, Electronics and Mechanical engineering under the Engineering faculty in the University of Rajshahi. But this faculty could not achieve its goal due to management complication. The administrative work was under the Ministry of Education, academic curriculum was under Rajshahi University and the public works department directed the infrastructure development. To remove this discordination different commissions and committees have been set up till 1973. As per recommendations of the commissions and committees the four engineering colleges were given some liberty for materialising some technological excellence. A 15-member high power committee headed by Professor Dr Wahid Uddin Ahmed was formed. Following the recommendation of this committee, the four engineering colleges were converted into Bangladesh Institute of Technology (BIT) in July 1986. But due to limited autonomy and the constitutional limitations of ordinance of BIT these institutions could not achieve the desired progress. Hence a scheme was taken to amalgamate the institutes into a full-fledged university. Thus under the Act XXXII of 2003 BIT emerged as Rajshahi University of Engineering and Technology.

The University has 10 departments under the faculties of Civil Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering and Mechanical Engineering. The departments are Civil Engineering, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science and Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Production Engineering' and the Humanities. BSc and MSc engineering courses are offered in those departments. The students of 5 departments namely Chemistry, Civil Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Mathematics and Mechanical Engineering get opportunity to accomplish MPhil and PhD courses. The university conducts various research activities both centrally and faculty basis.'
The Academic Council takes overall decision on education. It is consisted of 34 members with vice chancellor as chairman and the registrar as member-secretary.
The University maintains a Central Computer Center, where there are facilities for computer training as well as the use of internet. The university provides bus service for transportation of the students from outside of campus. A hospital is maintained for providing medical service to the students, teachers, officers and employees. A 700-seat modern auditorium has been constructed for holding various programs in the campus.
Moreover, there is a Student Welfare Centre which mainly deals with the elimination of problems of students. This Welfare Centre formed of 4 directors who looks after games, physical education, and co-education of the students residing in the halls. Besides, there is a Central Students Union which mainly deals with the problems of the newcomers and also deals with the issues of pragmatic demands of the students. The members of the Central Student's Union are elected by votes of the general students. In September 2009, an organisation has been formed by the initiative of the teachers and students namely 'IEEE RUET Students Branch' which arranges and conducts seminars and courses for the students.
At present, the number of students in the university is 1842, teachers 132 and employees 241. There are six residential halls with accommodation for 1550 students. The halls are: Shaheed Lieutenant Selim Hall, Shaheed Shahidul Islam Hall, Shaheed Abdul Hamid Hall, Women Hall, Shaheed President Ziaur Rahman Hall and the tin-shed Hall. The University has a rich library with a collection of 26,880 books. [Md Ashik Iqbal]