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Scabies a highly contagious skin disease caused by a very small arachnid, Sarcoptes scabiei hominis, commonly known as itch mite. Scabies is found worldwide and a most common skin disease in Bangladesh among people of all groups and ages. It is spread by direct contact with infected individuals and less often by sharing clothing or bedding. Sometimes whole families are affected. The mites that cause scabies burrow into the skin and deposit their eggs forming a characteristic tunnel that looks like a pencil mark. Eggs mature in 21 days. The itchy rash is an allergic response to the mite. Mites may be more wide spread on a babies skin causing pimples over the trunk, or small blisters over the palms and soles. In young children, the head, neck, shoulders, palms and soles are involved. In older children, hands, wrists, and abdomen are involved.

Symptoms include itching, especially at night; thin, pencil-mark lines on the skin; and rashes. Scabies are annoying but not a serious disease. A secondary skin infection can occur because of intense scratching. [Md Shahidullah]