
Biocide any substance that is poisonous or destructive to living organisms, in other words, compounds which kill living plants and animals. Biocides either occur naturally or are manufactured artificially from animal or plant materials. These substances act on various plants and animals naturally but some are utilised by man as pesticides to combat pests through different methods of application. The common biocides are mentioned in the following table:

Biocides Target plants/animals
Acaricide/Miticides Mites, ticks, spiders
Algicides Algae
Arboricides/Silvicides Trees, bush, shrubs
Avicides Birds
Bactericides Bacteria
Fungicides Fungi
Herbicides Herbs
Weedicides Weeds
Insecticides Insects
Molluscicides Molluscs
Nematicides Nematodes
Piscicide Fishes
Rodenticide Rodents

In Bangladesh the plant protection wing of the Department of Agricultural Extension (DAE) registered and enlisted different types of biocides to be used to control insect pests, mite pests, fungi, rodents and weeds. The enlisted compendium consists of general names, commercial names, registration numbers, and recommended doses of biocides to be used against various important pests. [Md Zinnatul Alam]