Hussain, MAM Muhtasham

MAM Muhtasham Hussain

Hussain, MAM Muhtasham (1929-2021) one of the most famous physicists in the country and an eminent educationist. He was born on 1 August, 1929, in Kolkata, India. His father’s name was Professor Qazi Akram Hussain, and his Mother’s was Amena Sharfunnessa.

In 1950, he got a First Class honors degree in Physics from Dhaka University and was awarded the Raja Kalinarayan Scholarship. Next year, he passed the MSc Examination of Dhaka University in the First Class. In 1960, he obtained a PhD degree from the University of Liverpool, England. The area of research for the degree of was Particle Physics and he studied Muon decay characteristics using the Liverpool Synchro-Cyclotron. Later on, he spent two years at the Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell, England, where he carried on research in Nuclear Physics with Van de Graaff Accelerators.

For a good number of years since 1964, Dr. Hussain had worked with the newly built 3 MeV Van de Graaff Accelerator at the Atomic Energy Center, Dhaka, and concentrated his research activities in the field of Neutron Physics. Thereafter at the University of Dhaka, he started working in the field of elemental analysis using X-rays and neutrons from radioactive sources. For many years, his main interest was in the areas of Solar and Wind Energy. He established the Energy Park of the Renewable Energy Research Centre, University of Dhaka and devoted himself to research and demonstration activities there.

In 1952, Dr. Muhtasham Hussain was appointed Lecturer in Physics at the University of Dhaka. In 1960, he became a Reader in Physics, and in 1970, he became Professor of Physics. In 1984, he was appointed the Bose Professor of Physics. He was Director of the Renewable Energy Research Centre, Dhaka University (1983-1990) and Dean of Science (1983-1985). He retired from the University in 1990 and was reappointed for a further period of five years.

Dr. Muhtasham Hussain was the Founder Editor of The Physicist - Journal of the Physical Society of Bangladesh, and was a member of the Editorial Board of The Journal of Bangladesh Academy of Sciences and Dhaka University Studies for several years.

Professor Hussain was elected a Fellow of the Bangladesh Academy of Sciences and Bangladesh Physical Society. He was the President of the Bangladesh Physical Society during 1987 and 1988 and the President of Bangladesh Solar Energy Society for several years since 1991.

Professor Muhtasham Hussain expired on 9 January 2021 and was buried at Jurain graveyard in Dhaka. [Yearul Kabir]