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Integrated Pest Management (IPM) a system that in the context of the associated environment and the population dynamics of the pest species, utilizes all suitable techniques and methods in as compatible a manner as is possible and maintains pest populations at levels below those causing economic injury. Bangladesh became a member of the FAO Inter-country IPM programme in 1981. During the 1982-88 period, IPM system existed only as a sort of demonstration form in some areas of the country. A full time FAO IPM expert was posted in Bangladesh to implement IPM through its Inter-country FAO IPM programme in 1988. During its tenure (1988-95) the programme imparted practical field-oriented IPM training to a sizable number of extension workers (2257), NGO officers (407) and more importantly to farmers (4550), through joint collaboration of donors, and the Department of Agricultural Extension (DAE) of the Ministry of Agriculture. The impact of this IPM training has been substantial; trained farmers were able to manage their rice crops with less pesticides (when needed only as a last resort) than their neighbours without IPM knowledge. Based on the success of this programme, the following projects have been implemented under the joint collaboration of the donors and the DAE, Ministry of Agriculture: (i) Integrated pest management; (ii) Strengthening plant protection services; (iii) Command area development project; (iv) Khulna-Jessore drainage rehabilitation; and (v) Inter-country IPM vegetable project. FAO, UNDP, ADB, and DANIDA provided financial supports to these projects. Apart from this initiative, a number of NGOs have undertaken IPM in their own programmes for implementation at the grass root level. [Md Abdul Latif]

See also insecticide;pest. [Latif, M Abdul Directorate of Agricultural Extension, Dhaka]