
Bohera a large and tall deciduous tree, Terminalia belerica, locally known as Bahera or Boyra, of the family Combretaceae, attaining a height of 15 to 22 m and a diameter of about one metre or more. Large trees are often buttressed at the base. The bark is bluish or ashy grey. Leaves are broadly elliptic and clustered towards the ends of branches. It grows in the forests of the chittagong hill tracts, and in the Sal forest regions of Dhaka, Tangail, and Mymensingh. The wood is moderately heavy and durable.
The fruits can be eaten, but is more commonly and largely used in indigenous medical purposes. Traditionally it has been used as washing detergent. It is one of the best sources of tannin. The kernel is edible but has narcotic properties. The pulp of the fruit is used in treating diarrhoea and leprosy. Half-ripped fruits are used as purgative. The oil extracted from the seeds is useful as a hair tonic. The wood is used in carpentry. [Md Mahfuzur Rahman]